「哲学詩の読み方」 講義: 生井利幸先生 "How to read beautiful philosophical poems"
Right now, I would like you to be ready to hush yourself and cleanse yourself. Now, you are expected to be philosophical. It is very meaningful for you to deepen regarding the existence of yourself as one of human beings standing upon this planet.
I would like you to imagine now. Why you need to deepen your existence. The philosophical poem guides you to deepen who you are.
Through reading this philosophical poem, I would like you to imagine the following quintessential questions.
First, where you are from originally? Second, where you are standing upon now? Then, third, where you are going eventually after finishing your life here on the surface of one of the tiny rocks floating in this solar system in one of the galaxies in the universe?
I would like you to enjoy philosophizing your existence ad infinitum.