「文明の墓場 哲学詩」第4巻 -哲学するということ-
In the presence of this reality, you know or you will know later on. 
You place yourself again, not to waste any moment. Because there is no time and there is no moment you can waste.
There is no second for you to waste. It is quite a matter of total waste, if you are wasting time.

Whether we have better civilization today and tomorrow or not. It is quite a matter how you use your body and how you use your time to do something constructive.

Now, very much clearly, why I continue opening Ginza Sanctuary.
Today too, I would like you to continue philosophizing necessary things yourself.

Through this ideal, I am carrying out to make it as a matter of reality, you need philosophy, you need deep thinking, and you need direction right.

Through following the direction which is absolutely righteous, I would like you to be more powerful to philosophize here.

何故なら、持て余すような時間など、 一切無いからです。浪費するような時間は、(人間における一生の時間において)一切ありません。

もう明確に分かりますね、わたくしが「作家、生井利幸事務所 銀座書斎」を開設し続けている理由を。

今日も皆さん個人にとって 必要なことを哲学し続けてください。

