「生井利幸先生著『文明の墓場 哲学詩』の読み方」 全4講義
- 詩の新しい読み方を教授 -
講義1:「生井利幸先生著『文明の墓場 哲学詩』の読み方」
In December 2022, I published this book titled, "A GRAVE OF CIVILIZATION", edited by one of disciples.
Through reading this book, you experience so many essential matters. I am a poet.
Every day, I am composing poems. Above all things, I write philosophical poems.
You are now here together with me. I would like you to enjoy reading, feeling, and appreciating the beauty of those poems.
Reading those poems give you an opportunity to think what life is. You are guided to philosophize some important matters of your life.
2022年12月、わたくしは、こちらにございます「文明の墓場 哲学詩」という題名の詩集を、弟子の一人が編集の下、出版いたしました。 この本を読みますと、非常に多くの大切なことを経験します。 わたくしは詩人ですので、毎日、詩を執筆しています。様々なことを執筆しておりますが、まず、わたくしは、哲学詩を書いています。 今、ここで、わたくしと一緒に、この本に書かれている詩の美しさを読み、感じ、鑑賞してください。 この本の中に書かれている詩を読むことは、「生きるとは何か」を思索する機会となります。この思索する機会は、読者の皆さんの人生にとって、大切なことを哲学する機会となります。
- 詩の新しい読み方を教授 -
講義2:「生井利幸先生著『文明の墓場 哲学詩』の読み方: 詩は芸術の一形態である」
I wrote all of those philosophical poems.
Those are the pieces of mine. However, I enjoy reading those upon an occasion.
Poems are those pieces people enjoy reading again and again.
Because you are privileged to philosophize important matters through reading the poems, again and again.
As a definition of poem myself, poem is quite a piece of art not only philosophically but artistically you enjoy reading those pieces.
In addition, aesthetically, you enjoy experiencing tasting, chewing, biting any of the things here.
- 詩の新しい読み方を教授 -
講義3:「生井利幸先生著『文明の墓場 哲学詩』の読み方: 詩を読み、哲学する。・・・たった一度の人生をいかに生きるべきか」
Civilization marches on.
Here in this human civilization, there are so many people.
I feel happy to see them? I am happy to see you?
It is very nice to see a lot of people in this human civilization?
The point is that are those surely touching the essence of the things?
How do you see and interpret the situation now we have?
A lot of people are touching the essence of the things?
Or, those people are dominated by superficial matters every day every night.
It seems like that they are losing their right direction.
文明は 刻一刻と 変化を遂げています。
皆さんは 現代社会の状況をどのように見、捉えますか。
人々は事物の本質を見ていますか。または、日々、表面的なことに 心を奪われていませんか。
- 詩の新しい読み方を教授 -
講義4:「生井利幸先生著『文明の墓場 哲学詩』の読み方: 読者の皆さんへ、哲学していただきたいこと」
Philosophical poems give you an opportunity to philosophize.
Where you are from originally?
Where you are standing upon now?
and where you are going eventually?
Human life is transient.
You have your life only once.
You should not regret later on.
Hence, I would like you to philosophize how you live by the best way through reading philosophical poems.
I'd like you to go on.
I hope you don't lose your way.
今こそ 哲学詩を読み、最高の生き方を哲学してください。